VIIN Scientists Secure NIH Funding to Combat Antibiotic Resistance

15 July 2015


Victorian Infection and Immunity Network (VIIN) researchers have secured $6.5mil in NIH funding to continue their investigations into the pharmacology of Polymyxin B, an 'old' antibiotic now used as a last resort in patients infected with multiple antibiotic resistant 'superbugs'.

Professor Jian Li (centre) of Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (MIPS) and VIIN Executive Committee Member leads the Monash team within this international research collaboration. The local team also includes Professor Roger Nation (right) from MIPS and Professor Anthony Purcell (left) from Monash University Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

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'With virtually a complete lack of treatment options for some life-threatening infections becoming a real possibility, this funding comes at a critical point. Our research will provide much-needed guidance to doctors on how to select doses for individual patients, such as those with different degrees of kidney function.' Professor Nation said.

Professors Li and Nation are regarded as international leaders in the field of polymyxin research and this latest five-year grant is the sixth awarded to the MIPS team by the NIH since 2007.

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